The Perfect Match

Shot on location at Mckinley Hill

As a famous saying goes, “Beauty comes from within”. Actually, I really don’t know what the best definition for “beauty” is. But one thing is for sure. Whatever inside you, reflects outside. What you eat, will take effect on your body. How you nourish yourself will define a big part of your physical aspect. How you think, your attitude and outlook in life will reflect upon your aura. 

Achieving beauty starts from the basics. Like, washing your face right, moisturizing, eating the right stuff, exercising regularly and having enough sleep. But don’t disregard also some essential factors like avoiding vices (smoking & too much alcoholic drinks) and having a positive attitude. Sometimes, we forgot that choosing to be happy or just simply smiling makes a big difference. Just like what Christian Dior says, “Happiness is the secret to all beauty. There is no beauty without happiness.

On the other hand, health comes along with beauty in many ways and we should always remember that just like other things, “Beauty is a responsibility” so we have to take the right and best actions to achieve it.

Shot on location at Mckinley Hill

It’s my pleasure to share with you my tips and learning in achieving good health and holistic beauty. Watch out also for featured beauty products, salons and spas. Free beauty products will also be given away, so watch out! :) 

Photo By: Nina Cuento

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